Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
my favorite thing
My favorite thing about this city of Barcelona is a word.
It is a very common word. And not just a word but a command.
It means, "Be calm."
You might ask a simple question to someone on the street or in a store or at the place where you reside, and their only response, "Tranquila."
I once asked the lady working at a deli if we should pay for our sandwiches before or after we ate them and, yes, her only response was that of "Tranquila." So we decided to pay after.
Calm. Be Calm. I like that.
It is a very common word. And not just a word but a command.
It means, "Be calm."
You might ask a simple question to someone on the street or in a store or at the place where you reside, and their only response, "Tranquila."
I once asked the lady working at a deli if we should pay for our sandwiches before or after we ate them and, yes, her only response was that of "Tranquila." So we decided to pay after.
Calm. Be Calm. I like that.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
balance (a poem)
sometimes we dance too much
and think too little
sometimes we think too much
and dance too little
the hardest thing
is balance
said the philosopher
to the king
then the king laughed
and then went to other things
the hardest thing
is balance
said the child
to the mother
the mother smiled nicely
and then went on to other things
the hardest thing
is balance
said the old man
to himself
on his death bed
and then went on no more
and think too little
sometimes we think too much
and dance too little
the hardest thing
is balance
said the philosopher
to the king
then the king laughed
and then went to other things
the hardest thing
is balance
said the child
to the mother
the mother smiled nicely
and then went on to other things
the hardest thing
is balance
said the old man
to himself
on his death bed
and then went on no more
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sorry that all my posts have only been these, but it's just so easy to paste on in to the blog.....
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
So say you are driving in rush hour traffic, as I have recently been doing...all. the. time. And let's say you are trying to get into, say, the lane left of you. And let's say that the person in front of you is trying to get into that left lane as well. I find that it is a common courtesy to, if you get into that lane before the other person, wait to let them enter the lane as well. I am recently got the chance to exercise this courtesy and was happily greeted by a wave out the window of gratitude.
I am, honestly, so tired of the inhumane driving of personas locas. Crazy people. It has happened many times before when I sit with my blinker on, for aproximately a minute, and oh! see an opening in the traffic finally. I get excited to move in but OHHH the car behind jumps right into the opening before it has time to get to me. And then decide to put the petal to the metal like that one car length is going to save them an hour driving time. This is what my silly but also reasonable crusade is against. And also it's just a nice little bonding moment. Like saying, "Hey we were in the same boat, trying oh-so-hard to somehow enter into this impassable flow of traffic, so I'm going to help you out."
Monday, June 14, 2010

Can I just tell you all how amazing it is to read books from the 1800s?
I've recently been apassioned with reading Austen, Bronte, and most recently a work by Stendhal called The Charter House of Parma.
I have learned about sensibility, folly, frivolity, charm, grace, disposition, the gaity of the French, and the ability of the beautiful sights around the Italians to melt away any bad thoughts. These among other things.
These authors develop people and look at these characters in a way which we do not pay attention to in this day and age. Maybe it is simply the mass qualities of the people we see about in this world or if we have just become a bland society, I do not know. I do know that these books are slowly and surely making me more aware of others around me and myself. I see this to be a good thing and I appreciate it very much.
I've recently been apassioned with reading Austen, Bronte, and most recently a work by Stendhal called The Charter House of Parma.
I have learned about sensibility, folly, frivolity, charm, grace, disposition, the gaity of the French, and the ability of the beautiful sights around the Italians to melt away any bad thoughts. These among other things.
These authors develop people and look at these characters in a way which we do not pay attention to in this day and age. Maybe it is simply the mass qualities of the people we see about in this world or if we have just become a bland society, I do not know. I do know that these books are slowly and surely making me more aware of others around me and myself. I see this to be a good thing and I appreciate it very much.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Just this summer, after many years of spending all my time hanging out or lifeguarding in the hot hot sun, I have fell in love with...sunscreen. Although this is peculiar, this year I feel like there is nothing better than putting on that 70 SPF to protect my skin and help it retain some of its pale luminosity.
I never used to use sunscreen. My skin is still somewhat colored from last year when my skin turns into yellowish golden darkness via that burning star which we call our sun. Through years of spending all my time outdoors and letting the sun have it's way with the fragile makeup of my outer layer, I kind of feel like I need to start doing something.
I especially have become enamored with putting sunscreen on the tops of my hands. Silly, you say? But No, I say in return. I recently discovered a light but large sunspot on the top of my right hand. This realization then led my to my passion to sunscreen topped hands. Perfectly rational.
I never used to use sunscreen. My skin is still somewhat colored from last year when my skin turns into yellowish golden darkness via that burning star which we call our sun. Through years of spending all my time outdoors and letting the sun have it's way with the fragile makeup of my outer layer, I kind of feel like I need to start doing something.
I especially have become enamored with putting sunscreen on the tops of my hands. Silly, you say? But No, I say in return. I recently discovered a light but large sunspot on the top of my right hand. This realization then led my to my passion to sunscreen topped hands. Perfectly rational.
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Word for the day:
Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest, reverential, even politely submissiveself, and never being arrogant, contemptuous, rude or even self-abasing. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, being connected with notions of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine, and of egolessness; by contrast, some schools of thought are sharply critical of humility. The term "humility" comes from the Latin word humilitas, a noun related to the adjective humilis, which may be translated as "humble", but also as "low", "from the earth", or "humid."
This is a slightly scary word. It goes against so many things we have innately in ourselves. I see that this is, simply, because we are only ourselves, it is OUR self. We are the only one who knows who we are from our own perspective and being selfish, in a way, is a survival mechanism. To get what we need, mentally and physically, to survive. Yet I believe true selfishness is this survival mechanism blown to intense proportions. It is poisonous.
I see so many people in our society become consumed with THEIRself, THEIR own wants, and THEIR own needs. It is Narcissus reincarnate. This is hard for me but I'm trying to work on being more humble. Honestly, time for a wakeup call: there are many people in the history of the world that were better than you and me at everything we have ever done. This might be depressing to some but when we can get over our pride it opens so many doors within ourselves. I've realized recently that when I think of all the people who are better than me, it brings me back to earth, down-to-earth. Humility is from the word: humus---the earth. Only then can I start working on on the true me.
And I'm not just talking about the teenyboppers with the gucci bags in our society. I'm talking about the intellectuals, the mothers, the fathers, the businessmen. I know I love to learn, and because of all the things that I've learned and how important to me they are, there can be a pride that sneaks into my life. I do see this a lot in the academic and intellectual community.
Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest, reverential, even politely submissiveself, and never being arrogant, contemptuous, rude or even self-abasing. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, being connected with notions of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine, and of egolessness; by contrast, some schools of thought are sharply critical of humility. The term "humility" comes from the Latin word humilitas, a noun related to the adjective humilis, which may be translated as "humble", but also as "low", "from the earth", or "humid."
This is a slightly scary word. It goes against so many things we have innately in ourselves. I see that this is, simply, because we are only ourselves, it is OUR self. We are the only one who knows who we are from our own perspective and being selfish, in a way, is a survival mechanism. To get what we need, mentally and physically, to survive. Yet I believe true selfishness is this survival mechanism blown to intense proportions. It is poisonous.
I see so many people in our society become consumed with THEIRself, THEIR own wants, and THEIR own needs. It is Narcissus reincarnate. This is hard for me but I'm trying to work on being more humble. Honestly, time for a wakeup call: there are many people in the history of the world that were better than you and me at everything we have ever done. This might be depressing to some but when we can get over our pride it opens so many doors within ourselves. I've realized recently that when I think of all the people who are better than me, it brings me back to earth, down-to-earth. Humility is from the word: humus---the earth. Only then can I start working on on the true me.
And I'm not just talking about the teenyboppers with the gucci bags in our society. I'm talking about the intellectuals, the mothers, the fathers, the businessmen. I know I love to learn, and because of all the things that I've learned and how important to me they are, there can be a pride that sneaks into my life. I do see this a lot in the academic and intellectual community.
It is only when we are truly humble that we can listen and hear one another.
Monday, May 31, 2010
While chatting, or something more akin to discussing, with some friends last night, we came upon the topic of dreams. The recurring theme of flying in (almost) all human dreams. The subliminal in dreams. Dreams during the time body is taken by fevers and sickness. Strange dreams versus normal dreams. Dejavu. Sleep paralysis. This got me thinking. My brother once pointed out that when people start talking about dreams, everyone has something to say about it. I feel as if dreams, in a sense, are so strange and the causes of them so unknown, that they have become seen as something close to supernatural. Many societies believe there is a dream place or "Dreamtime" in native Australian belief systems.
"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time; two parallel streams of activity. One is the daily objective activity, the other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the 'dreamtime', more real than reality itself. Whatever happens in the dreamtime establishes the values, symbols, and laws of Aboriginal society. It was believed that some people of unusual spiritual powers had contact with the dreamtime."' -The Last Wave (1977), an Australian film
There is also the aspect of lucid dreaming. And those "dream masters" who learn how to navigate their lucid dreams. Being able to play in this landscape of sleep. Even supposedly visit others in their own slumber. A man once visited my religion class to talk on this subject. Saying that he was able to do anything he wanted: fly, jump, run, be anywhere, in his sleep. Although he had not yet mastered the art of visiting others. Whether I know this to be true or not, I do know that there is such a thing as lucid dreams as I've had them before. I will realize suddenly that everything around me is as if clear and real. I've tried to fly or manipulate the dream then, but then the dream gets muddle and my feelings become scared and strange. I once had a lucid dream where I stumbled across many people, around five, meeting in a finely furnished room. They all looked at me strange and said to one another, "Is she supposed to be here?" Then the dream ended.
I personally believe that our deepest emotions are expoused in our dreams. Even though we may deny it, the subliminal thoughts within us our able to be glimpsed within. I feel slightly awkward when people tell me their dreams. Dreams are so personal. What I can infer from them is much more than the person thinks to be telling. Yet in our society they are treated as slightly strange, silly things. Be careful when you tell others your dreams.
I've also now decided to start a dream journal.
"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time; two parallel streams of activity. One is the daily objective activity, the other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the 'dreamtime', more real than reality itself. Whatever happens in the dreamtime establishes the values, symbols, and laws of Aboriginal society. It was believed that some people of unusual spiritual powers had contact with the dreamtime."' -The Last Wave (1977), an Australian film
There is also the aspect of lucid dreaming. And those "dream masters" who learn how to navigate their lucid dreams. Being able to play in this landscape of sleep. Even supposedly visit others in their own slumber. A man once visited my religion class to talk on this subject. Saying that he was able to do anything he wanted: fly, jump, run, be anywhere, in his sleep. Although he had not yet mastered the art of visiting others. Whether I know this to be true or not, I do know that there is such a thing as lucid dreams as I've had them before. I will realize suddenly that everything around me is as if clear and real. I've tried to fly or manipulate the dream then, but then the dream gets muddle and my feelings become scared and strange. I once had a lucid dream where I stumbled across many people, around five, meeting in a finely furnished room. They all looked at me strange and said to one another, "Is she supposed to be here?" Then the dream ended.
I personally believe that our deepest emotions are expoused in our dreams. Even though we may deny it, the subliminal thoughts within us our able to be glimpsed within. I feel slightly awkward when people tell me their dreams. Dreams are so personal. What I can infer from them is much more than the person thinks to be telling. Yet in our society they are treated as slightly strange, silly things. Be careful when you tell others your dreams.
I've also now decided to start a dream journal.
Monday, May 24, 2010
From here are the...
The 5 Fittest Cities in America
Washington, D.C.
Boston, Mass.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Seattle, Wash.
Portland, Ore.
My hometown being the third makes me very proud.
Also, from MSNBC...
"Exhibit A: Portland, Oregon, just displaced Copenhagen as the No. 2 most bike-friendly city in the world.
Exhibit B: In Davis, California, more people cycle to work than drive.
Exhibit C: A growing number of Minneapolis residents continue to commute by bike through the winter."
Another point of pride, my father is included in Exhibit C, biking to work in downtown Minneapolis even in the winter. The number and accessibility of the trails in Minneapolis astounds me.
This of course, must help Minneapolis's health rating. U.S.'s health problem sicken me at times (no pun intended).
When we actually thought about what we are putting into our bodies...grabbing handfuls of sugar and putting then into our mouth when we eat that cotton candy, and syphoning a pound of grease down our throat for the amount of McDonalds we eat in a's extremely ridiculous.
Our bodies are finely tuned instruments of life and we constantly run them down with the horrible things we put in them and the stress we put on ourselves. It's hard to eat healthy, but we as Americans CAN do it. We are a wealthy country with many resources and are blessed to be able to get the quality food that we have available to us. Another cool fact is that eating healthy increases HAPPINESS physiologically in our minds.
The 5 Fittest Cities in America
Washington, D.C.
Boston, Mass.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Seattle, Wash.
Portland, Ore.
My hometown being the third makes me very proud.
Also, from MSNBC...
"Exhibit A: Portland, Oregon, just displaced Copenhagen as the No. 2 most bike-friendly city in the world.
Exhibit B: In Davis, California, more people cycle to work than drive.
Exhibit C: A growing number of Minneapolis residents continue to commute by bike through the winter."
Another point of pride, my father is included in Exhibit C, biking to work in downtown Minneapolis even in the winter. The number and accessibility of the trails in Minneapolis astounds me.
This of course, must help Minneapolis's health rating. U.S.'s health problem sicken me at times (no pun intended).
When we actually thought about what we are putting into our bodies...grabbing handfuls of sugar and putting then into our mouth when we eat that cotton candy, and syphoning a pound of grease down our throat for the amount of McDonalds we eat in a's extremely ridiculous.
Our bodies are finely tuned instruments of life and we constantly run them down with the horrible things we put in them and the stress we put on ourselves. It's hard to eat healthy, but we as Americans CAN do it. We are a wealthy country with many resources and are blessed to be able to get the quality food that we have available to us. Another cool fact is that eating healthy increases HAPPINESS physiologically in our minds.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Just wanted to share some videos that never fail to make me shed a tear, but only in a good way!
Check it out.
An opportunity recently came to me to become part of a team to start a new magazine. This magazine is called VENT. We are just in the process of starting but I can already tell this is a real opportunity. It is something new, fresh. A fresh perspective. A pioneer. Replete with this colorful underground of the emerging, we will be focusing on people who are doing new thing, great things, bold things. We are about the culture around us and the culture of people who are on the brink of something greater. I find that people always know about the big names but not much about the people who are working hard, and creating and living beautiful, quality art. We want to showcase these people and these things. Raising awareness of the beautiful.
Check out our Blog.
Fan it Here on Facebook.
Or follow us on Twitter.
Check it out.
An opportunity recently came to me to become part of a team to start a new magazine. This magazine is called VENT. We are just in the process of starting but I can already tell this is a real opportunity. It is something new, fresh. A fresh perspective. A pioneer. Replete with this colorful underground of the emerging, we will be focusing on people who are doing new thing, great things, bold things. We are about the culture around us and the culture of people who are on the brink of something greater. I find that people always know about the big names but not much about the people who are working hard, and creating and living beautiful, quality art. We want to showcase these people and these things. Raising awareness of the beautiful.
Check out our Blog.
Fan it Here on Facebook.
Or follow us on Twitter.
I fully, fully applaud this commercial for the OLYMPUS PEN E-PL1 camera. Seriously. Way to market that camera. As my major's concentration in school is Entrepreneurship, it really struck me that this product is so well placed! It's the camera niche between point-and-shoot and nicer large cameras! Plus with this video they really got behind their camera, and proved that it's great quality. There is so many commercials where it's ALL talk and no walk, and even the talk is questionable so this commercial is a BREATH OF FRESH air to me! Thank goodness.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Living in South Carolina for most months out of the year, when I visit Minnesota from the summer, I am always blown away by the beauty. The Greens. The grass and trees. The Blues. The ponds and lakes. The constant chirping of the birds. The clouds that seem you could reach up and touch them. Charleston, SC is at such a low elevation the sky seems so far away. The clouds seem to be never at the horizon, but in Minnesota they litter the sky. Beautifully. Some trees have purple leaves.
To many, you can say "Oh yeah, yeah, I guess that's just the way it is," but it stuns me how much it affects my life. How much the greens and blues and the softness of nature in this region soothes me. It is strangely life changing.
Even in Iowa, which normally I view as a great expanse of cornfields, holds simple but immensely powerful beauty.
To many, you can say "Oh yeah, yeah, I guess that's just the way it is," but it stuns me how much it affects my life. How much the greens and blues and the softness of nature in this region soothes me. It is strangely life changing.
Even in Iowa, which normally I view as a great expanse of cornfields, holds simple but immensely powerful beauty.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
I recently looked through many of my keepsakes from my childhood in an effort to de-horde and I found a few gems. Here they are:
One of my favorite little dresses when I was five. Sweet:

Lady-Gaga-ing it up with my old dance outfit. Showy:

My future daughter is required to wear this under a leather jacket when she goes through her bad-ass stage as a teenager. Grunge:

Favorite dress-up piece ever. Glam:

My frilly Christmas outfit. Sissy:

And last but not least, the staple barbie nighty. Classic:
One of my favorite little dresses when I was five. Sweet:

Lady-Gaga-ing it up with my old dance outfit. Showy:

My future daughter is required to wear this under a leather jacket when she goes through her bad-ass stage as a teenager. Grunge:

Favorite dress-up piece ever. Glam:

My frilly Christmas outfit. Sissy:

And last but not least, the staple barbie nighty. Classic:

Friday, April 30, 2010
Life is a whirlwind right now for me as it is finals season.
So here is just a tidbit of an update on my simple life:
VENT magazine photoshoots and the beginning of article write-ups are in full-swing. This is our amazing and talented team who are starting up the mag.

I've been starting to translate my thoughts into Spanish in anticipation of a fall semester in Barcelona, Spain. The fact I will be living with a host family increases my urgency to improve my Spanish

I've been invited to LOOKBOOK.NU ! A superb collective fashion site. Me encanta. Check it out! And check out my looks HERE.
So here is just a tidbit of an update on my simple life:
VENT magazine photoshoots and the beginning of article write-ups are in full-swing. This is our amazing and talented team who are starting up the mag.

I've been starting to translate my thoughts into Spanish in anticipation of a fall semester in Barcelona, Spain. The fact I will be living with a host family increases my urgency to improve my Spanish

I've been invited to LOOKBOOK.NU ! A superb collective fashion site. Me encanta. Check it out! And check out my looks HERE.

Friday, April 16, 2010
My walk home from class.
1. I smell a tinge of lighter fluid in the air and think of Minnesota summers. Barbecuing. Camping. By the lake. The silent peace of summer with birding chirping in the background.
2. I see children playing at the park, screaming in their play world, laughing. Falling and picking one another up. Jumping up and down on the plastic playground. Nostalgia creeps over me. I feel okay with the world.
3. A large shiny metallic bus drives by. It has tinted window. All within are anonymous. It is new and mechanic. Powerful in its mass. A shadow of fear falls over me. A "Brave New World" fear.
4. I see a older man walking down my street with a spring in his step and a backpack on. I feel better.
1. I smell a tinge of lighter fluid in the air and think of Minnesota summers. Barbecuing. Camping. By the lake. The silent peace of summer with birding chirping in the background.
2. I see children playing at the park, screaming in their play world, laughing. Falling and picking one another up. Jumping up and down on the plastic playground. Nostalgia creeps over me. I feel okay with the world.
3. A large shiny metallic bus drives by. It has tinted window. All within are anonymous. It is new and mechanic. Powerful in its mass. A shadow of fear falls over me. A "Brave New World" fear.
4. I see a older man walking down my street with a spring in his step and a backpack on. I feel better.
Monday, March 22, 2010

I believe this to be one of my favorite photographs of all time. I set it as my desktop awhile back and after I had changed it, just kept thinking about it. I scoured the interweb to try and find it again but to no luck. Until I found it under my desktop settings just a moment ago and with some nifty google maneuvering, discovered the name of the photographer. Jeff Luker. It has such a surreal quality to it and that coupled with the homey farm feel and slightly overexposed sun patch is simply perfectismo. The angle at which the boy lays in the sunpatch and the absolutely unexpected and slighly dark quality of his position laying face down tops it off. This photograph asks questions. I feel like that is a quality all great art posesses.
"Light-filtered" in Jeff Luker's Summer Pain's Collection
Friday, March 19, 2010
I'm on such a sunglasses kick right now. An epic search for the perfect eyewear.

A-Morir by Kerin Rose

LSD Fashion LAB Company
I absolutely adore the lace and stud-covered eyewear by kerin rose. Although, I'm much more partial to the lace. And the sunglasses that the LSD Fashion LAB Company put out are fabuloussss and affordable. A perfect combination. I'm making my rounds trying to figure out my soul-mate of sunglasses. Who will it be? Oh who oh who? There is so much to consider, big or smaller. Shape. Color. Compatibility with face shape. Compatibility with hair color. Embellishments.
The face seemingly holds our identity. It is the distinguishing signal to each other of recognition and of persons unknown. It is what we look at to determine others identity. It holds all emotions. A slight twitch of the eyebrow may indicate worlds of thought. Eyewear is one fashion accessory that can transform personal identity in a second. It can change the look of your face in an instant. It can intimidate. It can humor. It can hide.

LSD Fashion LAB Company
I absolutely adore the lace and stud-covered eyewear by kerin rose. Although, I'm much more partial to the lace. And the sunglasses that the LSD Fashion LAB Company put out are fabuloussss and affordable. A perfect combination. I'm making my rounds trying to figure out my soul-mate of sunglasses. Who will it be? Oh who oh who? There is so much to consider, big or smaller. Shape. Color. Compatibility with face shape. Compatibility with hair color. Embellishments.
The face seemingly holds our identity. It is the distinguishing signal to each other of recognition and of persons unknown. It is what we look at to determine others identity. It holds all emotions. A slight twitch of the eyebrow may indicate worlds of thought. Eyewear is one fashion accessory that can transform personal identity in a second. It can change the look of your face in an instant. It can intimidate. It can humor. It can hide.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
This I need to remember: The only thing that limits us: is ourselves.
Our mind is a powerful tool. The placebo effect is a phenomenon of great indication. I think sometimes we forget how much we control. Positivity can open many doors. I've been closing doors recently: (change of heart).
Our mind is a powerful tool. The placebo effect is a phenomenon of great indication. I think sometimes we forget how much we control. Positivity can open many doors. I've been closing doors recently: (change of heart).
My name is Vandie. I go by other names. This is where I shall order, list, deliver my thoughts. I will be honest and present. I will talk about life, literature, art, innovation, creativity, fashion, family, friends, world events, business, and possibly politics (and maybe, just maybe, cupcakes and rainbows).
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