Word for the day:
Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest, reverential, even politely submissiveself, and never being arrogant, contemptuous, rude or even self-abasing. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, being connected with notions of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine, and of egolessness; by contrast, some schools of thought are sharply critical of humility. The term "humility" comes from the Latin word humilitas, a noun related to the adjective humilis, which may be translated as "humble", but also as "low", "from the earth", or "humid."
This is a slightly scary word. It goes against so many things we have innately in ourselves. I see that this is, simply, because we are only ourselves, it is OUR self. We are the only one who knows who we are from our own perspective and being selfish, in a way, is a survival mechanism. To get what we need, mentally and physically, to survive. Yet I believe true selfishness is this survival mechanism blown to intense proportions. It is poisonous.
I see so many people in our society become consumed with THEIRself, THEIR own wants, and THEIR own needs. It is Narcissus reincarnate. This is hard for me but I'm trying to work on being more humble. Honestly, time for a wakeup call: there are many people in the history of the world that were better than you and me at everything we have ever done. This might be depressing to some but when we can get over our pride it opens so many doors within ourselves. I've realized recently that when I think of all the people who are better than me, it brings me back to earth, down-to-earth. Humility is from the word: humus---the earth. Only then can I start working on on the true me.
And I'm not just talking about the teenyboppers with the gucci bags in our society. I'm talking about the intellectuals, the mothers, the fathers, the businessmen. I know I love to learn, and because of all the things that I've learned and how important to me they are, there can be a pride that sneaks into my life. I do see this a lot in the academic and intellectual community.
Humility (adjectival form: humble) is the quality of being modest, reverential, even politely submissiveself, and never being arrogant, contemptuous, rude or even self-abasing. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, being connected with notions of transcendent unity with the universe or the divine, and of egolessness; by contrast, some schools of thought are sharply critical of humility. The term "humility" comes from the Latin word humilitas, a noun related to the adjective humilis, which may be translated as "humble", but also as "low", "from the earth", or "humid."
This is a slightly scary word. It goes against so many things we have innately in ourselves. I see that this is, simply, because we are only ourselves, it is OUR self. We are the only one who knows who we are from our own perspective and being selfish, in a way, is a survival mechanism. To get what we need, mentally and physically, to survive. Yet I believe true selfishness is this survival mechanism blown to intense proportions. It is poisonous.
I see so many people in our society become consumed with THEIRself, THEIR own wants, and THEIR own needs. It is Narcissus reincarnate. This is hard for me but I'm trying to work on being more humble. Honestly, time for a wakeup call: there are many people in the history of the world that were better than you and me at everything we have ever done. This might be depressing to some but when we can get over our pride it opens so many doors within ourselves. I've realized recently that when I think of all the people who are better than me, it brings me back to earth, down-to-earth. Humility is from the word: humus---the earth. Only then can I start working on on the true me.
And I'm not just talking about the teenyboppers with the gucci bags in our society. I'm talking about the intellectuals, the mothers, the fathers, the businessmen. I know I love to learn, and because of all the things that I've learned and how important to me they are, there can be a pride that sneaks into my life. I do see this a lot in the academic and intellectual community.
It is only when we are truly humble that we can listen and hear one another.
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