While chatting, or something more akin to discussing, with some friends last night, we came upon the topic of dreams. The recurring theme of flying in (almost) all human dreams. The subliminal in dreams. Dreams during the time body is taken by fevers and sickness. Strange dreams versus normal dreams. Dejavu. Sleep paralysis. This got me thinking. My brother once pointed out that when people start talking about dreams, everyone has something to say about it. I feel as if dreams, in a sense, are so strange and the causes of them so unknown, that they have become seen as something close to supernatural. Many societies believe there is a dream place or "Dreamtime" in native Australian belief systems.
"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time; two parallel streams of activity. One is the daily objective activity, the other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the 'dreamtime', more real than reality itself. Whatever happens in the dreamtime establishes the values, symbols, and laws of Aboriginal society. It was believed that some people of unusual spiritual powers had contact with the dreamtime."' -The Last Wave (1977), an Australian film
There is also the aspect of lucid dreaming. And those "dream masters" who learn how to navigate their lucid dreams. Being able to play in this landscape of sleep. Even supposedly visit others in their own slumber. A man once visited my religion class to talk on this subject. Saying that he was able to do anything he wanted: fly, jump, run, be anywhere, in his sleep. Although he had not yet mastered the art of visiting others. Whether I know this to be true or not, I do know that there is such a thing as lucid dreams as I've had them before. I will realize suddenly that everything around me is as if clear and real. I've tried to fly or manipulate the dream then, but then the dream gets muddle and my feelings become scared and strange. I once had a lucid dream where I stumbled across many people, around five, meeting in a finely furnished room. They all looked at me strange and said to one another, "Is she supposed to be here?" Then the dream ended.
I personally believe that our deepest emotions are expoused in our dreams. Even though we may deny it, the subliminal thoughts within us our able to be glimpsed within. I feel slightly awkward when people tell me their dreams. Dreams are so personal. What I can infer from them is much more than the person thinks to be telling. Yet in our society they are treated as slightly strange, silly things. Be careful when you tell others your dreams.
I've also now decided to start a dream journal.
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